Members' directory
WA Pork Producers Association
The West Australian Pork Producers Association (WAPPA) is an industry body dedicated to supporting producers.
WA Potatoes
WA Potatoes represents potato growers across the State.
WA Stonefruit
WA Stonefruit is a sub-committee of the Agriculture Produce Commission’s pome, citrus and stone fruit committee.
Wescobee Honey
Wescobee honey is harvested from wild forest reserves in the South West and desert areas of Western Australia.
West Australian Corn Growers
Formerly known as Trandos Farms, West Australian Corn Growers is the largest grower of beans and corn in WA.
Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC)
WAFIC is the peak industry body representing Western Australia’s commercial fishing, pearling and aquaculture sectors.