Western Australian consumers will be asked to make a ‘good choice’ and support local food businesses, as part of a dynamic new marketing campaign which rolls out across the State in July.
The Good Choice campaign has been developed in collaboration with industry and is set to re-energise the Department of Agriculture and Food’s long-serving Buy West Eat Best program.
Department Director of Food Deborah Pett said the Buy West Eat Best program had strong support from its 130 members to promote the buy local message to consumers.
“Industry has committed to significant investment and collaboration in developing this new Good Choice campaign to reignite interest in the program. Major contributors have included Mt Barker Chicken, Amelia Park and Linley Valley Pork,” Ms Pett said.
“The campaign aims to remind WA consumers of the importance of buying local to not only support our producers and retailers but also reap other benefits such as the freshness and quality of local produce.”
Ms Pett said there were many factors influencing food purchasing, such as food trends, price and quality, as well as food provenance.
“Our local wholesalers, restaurants and retailers are doing an excellent job highlighting the source of their produce and can influence consumer decision making at every purchase point,” she said.
The new campaign will strengthen this message at point of purchase, and enhance sales and brand awareness of WA products under the Buy West Eat Best program.
“The Good Choice campaign will aid in this by simply asking consumers to make a good choice by choosing local,” she said.