Since its launch in 2008, Buy West Eat Best’s distinctive bite mark logo has helped consumers easily identify Western Australian produce and products, as well as those who provide them. Indeed, the logo is now recognised by more than 70 percent of consumers.
While Buy West Eat Best encourages Western Australians to shop, eat and drink locally every day of the year, October marks a month of celebrations.
A series of local food events, in-store retail promotions and member-driven marketing campaigns are just some of the ways Buy West Eat Best raises awareness of locally grown and sourced produce, and encourages consumers to look out for the distinctive label when shopping.
The food labelling program has helped shape the way Western Australian consumers make their food and drink choices, providing a trusted state-of-origin brand.
The logo has become the people’s choice brand, backed by a multi-faceted food and drink program delivered by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Membership has grown from 38 founding members to more than 230, including major retailers, small growers, artisan producers, large scale processors, restaurants and food service providers.
Buy West Eat Best encourages everyone to get involved in one of the events held throughout October. But, above all, to keep supporting our local industries by keeping an eye out for the logo and supporting those who display it with pride.