Air fryer yellow cauliflower curry

(For this recipe you will need an air fryer tray/liner or a small dish that can fit inside your air fryer. Gluten-free and vegan. Serves 4)
Bring a large pot of salted water to boil.
Turn the cauliflower upside down and make a small cut in the centre of the stalk, aiming to cut about 1-2cm wide and down to the centre of the cauliflower. Turn your knife 90 degrees and repeat, making an X-shaped cut through the centre. This will help the cauliflower to cook evenly.
Place the cauliflower in the boiling water and boil for 5 to 7 minutes. Remove, pat dry well, then leave it to cool and dry further for another 10 to 15 minutes.
Roughly chop the onion and tomatoes and place in the bottom of the air fryer liner/tray.
Stab the cauliflower across the top several times with a small knife, and then rub over the jar of Turban Chopsticks yellow curry paste, aiming to fill in all cracks and crevices as best as you can.
Place the cauliflower on top of the onions and tomato and cook in the air fryer at 200C for 15 minutes.
Open the air fryer and pour the coconut cream over the cauliflower. Cook for a further 20 minutes, until the cauliflower is golden and brown across the top and the leaves are gnarly and golden.
Remove the dish from the air fryer and sprinkle over the coconut flakes and coriander leaves.
To serve
Serve with steamed rice and Greek yoghurt flatbreads.