Fruit salad with granola, yoghurt & lime syrup

(Serves eight to 10)
Preheat oven to 160C. Combine the oats, Omega walnuts, Vasse Valley hemp hearts, honey, butter and sea salt in a bowl, making sure everything is coated in honey.
Gently toast in the oven for about 10 minutes, until the oats and nuts are golden but not browned. Remove and cool in a bowl, ready for serving.
Meanwhile, add the sugar, lime juice and zest and 100ml water to a small saucepan and simmer over low-medium heat. Reduce the mixture until a sticky syrup forms. Do not allow it to burn or brown. The syrup should reduce by about half. Remove from the heat and cool.
When ready to serve, cut and prepare the fruit (see handy tip for suggestions). Decant the Mundella yoghurt into a serving bowl and pour over the lime syrup.
To serve
Serve the yoghurt syrup alongside the fruit and granola.
Handy Tips
Your fruit salad can be a mixture of whatever fruit you like but make it seasonal for the freshest combination. Think mangoes, bananas, watermelon, berries, pears and stone fruit.