Super green pasta

(This recipe was created by Kate Flower, of Kate Flower Food. You can cook the lupin pasta from The Lupin Co in minutes and vary the recipe by adding your favourite vegies, though the greens look fabulous. Australian sweet lupins are packed full of protein, so this pasta will keep you full for a long time.)
Cook the lupin pasta as per the packet instructions and drain.
Put the beans, broccolini and asparagus in boiling water for 60 seconds. Remove, then plunge into iced water, drain and set aside.
To make the dressing, combine all dressing ingredients in a high-power blender and process until smooth.
In a large bowl, toss the cooked and drained pasta gently through the dressing.
Using a medium platter or salad bowl, layer half the pasta, then half the veggies and pepita seeds.
Repeat, then finish with the vegan feta and spring onion.
Handy Tips
Blanching the greens will help them retain their colour and give them a nice, crisp finish.